Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If you look at our website, I added a page that is called the Fairy and the Frog which contains links to our stuff thus far.

When you create something, please upload it to the website so it's available. If you can't upload it to the website, upload it to your student website and then just post the link to it.

There is also an excel Document that shows what is due next week for each person and PLEASE do research on the characters you concept because we will need to show our research when we show our concepts and how it applies to what we came up with.


Monday, April 20, 2009


Group Meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) @ 4:30!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"The Frog and the Fairy" Proposal

A lonely fairy witness a human princess kissing a frog who then turns into a prince, intrigued by the idea she attempts to kiss a frog of her own but the decision ends fatally.

100 word synopsis:
It’s a sunny day; a group of fairies fly holding the hands of their mates. One fairy however is left without anybody’s hand to hold. They fly over a pond where a princess kissing a frog catches the lonely fairy’s eye. When the frog turns into a prince, the fairy is intrigued. She notices another frog, but is ignored by the solemn looking creature. Failing to entertain him, she recalls the event earlier and kisses him. He twitches while the fairy smiles anxiously. The frog then eats the fairy like a bug, and smugly adds another notch to a nearby post.

250 word synopsis:
It’s a radiant sunny day in the middle of spring. A group of fairies fly through a bright blue sky, each one holding the hand of their mate. Amidst the flurry of jovial affection, one lonely fairy has nobody’s hand to hold. With her arms crossed tightly over her chest, she glances around at the others who are so happily coupled.
Flying over a small pond she notices a princess holding a cute green frog in her hands. Intrigued she flies down and hides behind a leaf as she watches the princess kiss the frog. The frog sparkles as he is magically transformed into a handsome prince. Amazed and intrigued by this idea, she finds another frog.
The frog is disenchanted with the fairy and promptly ignores her. Annoyed, she tries to gain his attention by juggling pebbles. With her efforts failing, she resorts to other tactics like dancing. The frog barely looks at her before returning his gaze elsewhere. Recalling the event she witnessed earlier, she snaps her fingers and flies in close to kiss the frog on his cheek. He begins to twitch as sparkles and fairy dust surround the couple. The fairy’s wings flutter rapidly in anticipation of the frog’s transformation.
Just when she thinks he is about to change, the frog flings out his tongue, grabs the fairy, and pulls her back into his mouth like she is nothing more than a fly. He smiles to himself as he adds a notch to a nearby post.

"The Messenger" Proposal

“The Messenger”
Logline: To spread word of the Athenian bravery shown while fending off the Persian invasion, a nimble Athenian runs an inspirational message across the landscape of Greece.

"The Messenger" in 100 words:
“The Messenger” is a visual spectacle, portraying the Greek myth of Phidippides, “The Runner of Marathon.” The setting is Greece, 400b.c.e. A small Athenian army has just triumphed in a battle to defend their land against Persian invasion forces near the city of Marathon. To spread news of this astonishing victory a runner, Phidippides, is sent with the message of victory to the city of Athens. The runner crosses the land of Greece, chased by Persian scouts, only to die at the feet of the Emperor with the message, uttering one word. Nike. Translated from the Greek language, Nike means victory.

250 words:
“The Messenger” will portray the Greek myth of Phidippides, “The Runner of Marathon.” The setting is Greece, 400b.c.e. To spread word of Athenian bravery Phidippides runs from Marathon to Athens to inspire the Athenian army.

The story opens with an old, broad shouldered man, with a large scar on his face talking to a group of younger men all dressed in togas and wearing laurels of holly. The old man’s narration will lead to a scene of a battle hardened Greek General, with a fresh wound across his face, handing a scroll to a younger, leaner soldier. We will hear hard footsteps pounding the dirt as Phidippides makes his way across harsh desert terrain. Interspersed shots of Persian scouts will show us that they have picked up on Phidippides’ trail and are pursuing. Upon reaching a more hospitable climate of dense trees, large waterfalls and deep lakes the Persian scouts catch up to Phidippides and attempt to prevent the message being delivered. With arrows flying and traps springing Phidippides uses a variety of tools and acrobatics to evade the scouts. This sequence will end with Phidippides luring an attacking Hydra to devour the scouts while he nimbly escapes into the trees. The story will end with Phidippides running up to Athens. Phidippides will run passed the city walls and will fall to the feet of the Emperor whispering something that is stifled by exhaustion. The scroll will fall from the runners hand roll to the emperor’s feet, unfurl and we will see the symbol of the Greek goddess Nike.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A fastidious man, desperate to prevent further damage to his expensive rug, frantically battles to get his cat outside before it coughs up a hairball.

100 Word Synopsis:
Retching is followed by a scream and a cat yowling. A man kneels, scrubbing a stained rug, a bucket nearby. He stands and huffs, the rug still stained, and heads to bed. He is later woken by the cat retching again. He stumbles to get to the cat and runs into the living room. Rain beats down on the window as he struggles with the resisting cat. The cat clings to furniture, etc., destroying them as the man tosses it outside and returns to bed. The man, woken by meowing, lets the cat in and it instantly pukes on the rug.

250 Word Synopsis:
We hear the sound of a cat coughing up a hairball, followed by a man crying out in distress and a cat yowling. We cut in to a man on his knees scrubbing his Persian rug. He has a bucket filled with suds nearby coupled with an impressive array of cleaning products. Several more stains are revealed on the rug. Finishing his task, he stands and huffs at the rug, still pocked with stains. He climbs into bed and promptly falls asleep. Time goes by and the man is woken by the sound of the cat coughing up yet another hairball. The man stumbles out of bed to get to the cat in time. He runs into the living room where the cat hovers over a virgin section of the rug. The man screams and the cat looks up. The window behind the cat reveals a downpour outside. The cat, seeing the weather outside, shrinks as the man lunges for it. As he carries the cat, it stretches over his shoulder and fastens its claws to the back of a chair, tearing open the fabric as the man pulls it away. The cat catches hold of a tapestry and shreds the length of it as the man continues to drag the cat to the door. The man tosses the cat outside and returns to bed. The man is woken by insistent meowing and gets up to let the cat in, who promptly pukes another hairball on the rug.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A man working late tries to save his files before going to sleep, but his computer gives him multiple problems.

A man, short and balding, in his fifties, is nodding in and out of sleep at his desk. He stumbles over to bed to lay down where his eyes flinch open before a note reminding him to save. He sighs and returns himself from bed to his desk. At his desk he notices first with a sweet smile a picture of him with his two children out on a sunny day. He then reflexively taps Ctrl-S when he notices the “S” key is conspicuously missing. He looks on his desk, below his desk, stares blankly and gives up. He reaches then for his mouse, it scoots forward. He reaches again. It scoots forward. He quickly attempts to snatch it, and the mouse scurries off the desk across the floor. He gives chase and catches it by the tail (so to speak) just as it was retreating into a cereal box. But as he is lifting it up, a group of mini computer mice come out of the cereal box and seem to look pleadingly up at him. He gently lays the mouse down near the mini computer mice who scurry together to the entrance of the cereal box, and come to rest as if cuddling together. Near the sleeping mice, he notices the missing “S” key on the floor, grabs it, and returns to his desk hurriedly. He excitedly sets the “S” key into the keyboard, there is a pause, then all the keys explode out of the keyboard around him. He is freezes in frustration. His shoulders begin to rise as in rage. He then looks over at the photograph again, breathing deeply, slowly, calming, and after he calms enough, he holds the picture in his hand, still breathing, now with that sweet smile on his face, and he begins to feel the warmth of the picture upon his hand and face. He nods decidedly to himself and makes his way to the door. He pauses before the door, puts his hand on the door knob. He swallows, then looks around his apartment nervously when he notices the reminder to save again. He looks relieved as he nods with remembrance at his unaccomplished task. With determination, he storms over to the sleeping mice, but when he reaches down, they look up in menace, and he backs away slowly. He returns to his desk and begins searching for each key in order to repair the keyboard

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jeff's Comments

Oddly enough Jeff has had issues posting his comments, and the computer won't let me post them either. So they are up on the website if you do want to check it out :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


By Saturday (April 11), everyone needs to have made their own paragraph on each of the log lines. I was thinking after that Saturday whoever originally worked on that log line can take it and write a 100 word and 250 word synopsis (since we would need these for if ever entering into any film festivals).

Tuesday (April 14) @ 4:30 is the group meeting. We will meet at North Campus and figure out which rooms are available, a conference room should hopefully not be hard to snag.

The list of the group member's contact information is going to be on our google groups since it's private, ALSO I believe someone snagged our new member Matts information and so I don't have it to add to the list. ( I posted all of our contact information on the website, since it's private)

- Also I will be out of town Friday - Sunday, and will try really hard to get access to a computer where I'm at in case anyone has any questions. I know everyone knows what they are doing and we have an awesome group so I'm not too worried about anything.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two cheating poker player end up showing the same hand.

Evidence displayed at a poker table expresses that we are in the final hand of a Texas Hold-em poker tournament. The room is dim and smokey and the atmosphere is serious. Two remaining players, both cheating, stare at one another across the table, attempting to read one another. A large amount of money is at stake and the stress and anxiety of the game can clearly be read on both players. All but the last card are on the table, aiding neither of the players. The first of the players (holding four aces) lays down an exorbitant bet with a confident air hoping to bluff out the other. The second player (also harboring four aces) defiantly calls and then raises the bet. The first is temporarily surprised but recovers quickly, making a deliberate display of doubling the current bet, then looks challengingly at his opponent. Eventually after much guffaw, the bets come to a close and the players are required to show their hands. The first player motions for the other to show first, he declines and requests the hand of the other. Neither is willing to lay down first, so they lay down at the same time. Both throw four aces without looking at the table or the other hand and smugly look at one another each believing they have won. When they finally look at the hands and realize what has happened, they both accuse the other player of cheating and as tempers rise an all out brawl ensues ending eventually in a physical stalemate and a game of rock paper scissors.

Secret Message of Futility

A messenger outsmarts opposition and overcomes obstacles on a mission to deliver a fruitless top-secret message.

This story is an eye pleasing, fast-paced comedy carrying the viewer through the task of a top-secret message delivery. The protagonist is a suave, tuxedo wearing spy on a mission to deliver a message to his superior. His attempt to complete his mission is impeded by a surly hit man. The tale is carried through the streets of New York as gunfire and narrow escapes lead the spy from his starting place of a city mailbox to the high rise tower where his boss awaits a message about a doctor appointment’s time changing.

An impatient fairy aggravtes a frog in an attempt to get him to dance with her, ending in a fatal mistake for the fairy.

An impatient young fairy stumbles upon a lone frog, sitting on a lily pad in the middle of a pond. Bored and alone, the fairy tries to befriend the frog but the frog just sits there, barely moving his eyes. After trying to get the frog to dance with her and failing, she gets very angry and then stumbles upon a great idea. She flies right next to the frog and kisses him on his cheek, waiting for him to turn into her "prince charming." After a moment of the fairy looking excited into the eyes of the frog and the frog beginning to twitch, she is sure he is about to change. All of a sudden the frog sticks out his tongue and snaps the fairy into her mouth like he would with a common fly. The frog sits alone and content again, on his lily pad.

Eccentric gardener loses lawn in battle with a single weed, just prior to the neighborhood lawn competition which he hoped to win.

The protagonist character in the story is an old man, living out his retirement in a country club. Every year the man (who's name really holds little importance in the story...) attempts to win the the country club's annual "best garden and yard award". Despite his best efforts, the man is always beaten by his neighbor who is another elderly gentleman who sees fit to rub his victory in our main character's face. This gets under our character's skin and therefore he becomes highly obsessed with the competition, leaving nothing overlooked in his garden and lawn during competition time. It is now the day of the competition and our protagonist wakes up to find a single weed that has sprouted in the middle of his yard overnight. After trying unsuccessfully, all of the conventional methods of weed removal, the old man begins to panic and resorts to more drastic measures. After a slew of outrageous, over-the-top, attempts to remove the weed, the yard is left in complete ruin with only the single weed remaining. It is at this time that our protagonist admits defeat and the lawn competition judges arrive at his house to score the appearance of his lawn. Sure that he will be mocked for the destruction he has caused, our character is surprised when the judges react with astonishment and award him top scores for a completely original and artistic approach to landscaping...the single weed being the focal point of his 'lawn masterpiece'.

A man struggles to get his cat outside before it coughs up a hairball, but the cat puts up a fight.

A man sleeping in his bed is woken at 3am by a retching sound. He is reluctant to rise at first, but his eyes bulge when he realizes his cat is hacking up a hairball. He stumbles around in the dark, tired and groggy, before turning on a light and discovering the retching cat. The cat pauses, looks at the man and demurely wraps its tail close to its body. The man frowns and turns to walk away. The retching resumes and the man scrambles for the cat, trying to get it outside before it can vomit in the house. The cat is obviously reluctant to be forced outside and clings to anything nearby. The cat grabs the wall as the man pulls its distended body, leaving claw marks through the wallpaper. The cat grabs the back of a chair, ripping the fabric open as the stuffing spills out of the seams. The man reaches the door and the cat is clinging to his face. He opens the door and attempts to pry the cat off of his face. While tugging, the cat catches hold of the man's shirt and tears it off before being tossed outside. The man closes the door in a huff. Fade out to the man back in his bed sleeping and he is woken by insistent meowing. The cat yowls for some time as the man covers his head with his pillow, trying to go back to sleep. The man finally stomps to the door to allow the cat re-entry, and once across the threshold, the cat promptly pukes up a hairball on the carpet, then rubs against the man's legs.
Hey Guys,

So right now we all have to work on creating paragraphs out of the logline you have choosen. (there should be six logline total by the time we're done) Each Week(or daily even) I have to upkeep an excel document that says what everyone is doing and where everyone is at, if the task is highlighted in red then it hasn't been started yet, yellow means it is in progress and green means finished.

I am trying to upload the excel doc on our website right now.

A pizza delivery guy and a chinese food delivery guy compete in getting their food delivered on time.

The story begins at the frantic lunch hour. We open with bumper to bumper traffic separating a chinese food place across from a pizza parlor. The next scene we see a manager getting off a phone and ordering a young unassuming teen driver to deliver to an address on a piece of paper handed to him. The next scene we see the same thing happen in the chinese delivery restaurant. Both individuals exit their respective establishments and immediately make eye contact with each other. They each survey the scene ahead and notice the line of cars and hetic nature of what lies ahead. They each return their gaze to each other, squint their eyes in silent acknowledgement that the race is on.

Laying the Foundations

Hey everyone. Welcome to The Blog. Looking forward to working with you all.