Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A pizza delivery guy and a chinese food delivery guy compete in getting their food delivered on time.

The story begins at the frantic lunch hour. We open with bumper to bumper traffic separating a chinese food place across from a pizza parlor. The next scene we see a manager getting off a phone and ordering a young unassuming teen driver to deliver to an address on a piece of paper handed to him. The next scene we see the same thing happen in the chinese delivery restaurant. Both individuals exit their respective establishments and immediately make eye contact with each other. They each survey the scene ahead and notice the line of cars and hetic nature of what lies ahead. They each return their gaze to each other, squint their eyes in silent acknowledgement that the race is on.


  1. I like the idea of the eye squinting. Maybe you could incorporate the samurai style widescreen (Samurai Jack) when they exchange looks. Also, it would be cool if they had beat up older cars (delivery guys don't drive nice cars), but then they could have some extra gadgets hidden away sorta like Inspector Gadget - rockets, raised suspension, tar/tacks to slow the other guy down, etc. What's the punchline? Maybe they both have an accident right before they get there? Maybe they both ruin/lose their food orders before they arrive at their destination?

  2. The manager needs to explain where the food is going as the point needs to be made that both delivery boys are headed to the same place. Also, there needs to be some history between the delivery boys to help explain why they feel the need to race. Perhaps they are brothers (or twins even, as that would be easier to pick up on). It really is a simple story though so not much else needs to go into this or it will become too complex for its own good, I think.

  3. I do like the idea Naomi had of Inspector Gadget like equipment, that would make for quite a hilarious scene and would incorporate that somewhat "robotic" feel we talked about earlier.

    There does need to be a conclusion, the accident might be interesting if they were delivering to next door neighbors and crashed into each other in front of the houses. The food could fly through the air and fall into the hands of the customers, who then throw the money out into the mess of the cars? Some sort of conclusion.

  4. The story begins at the frantic lunch hour. We open with bumper to bumper traffic separating a Chinese food place from a pizza parlor. Inside of the pizza pallor the manager holds up piece of paper with the address of his delivery on it and quickly sends him on his way. At the same time the Chinese food manager hands his employee the address of his delivery on it, which happens to be next door to the Pizza parlor’s delivery. As the employees walk out to their car they look up at each other, the long time rivals shoot narrow glances and throw fists at each other then glance in the direction they are to be delivering their food. They quickly hop in their cars and try to race each other while attempting to sabotage one another. They finally end up in a game of “chicken” as they are face to face on the same street as their deliveries; they race towards one another but end up crashing head on. The food however flies out of the vehicles perfectly and into the hands of the customers who are waiting at the door, who then simply toss the money behind their backs as they turn and walk back inside with their meals.

  5. I agree with the idea that the two delivery boys need to have some history. It could be nice to open the scene with them making their way to work and having a confrontation. This would allow a clear cut introduction to the audience of their relationship. I like the rest of the story played out in the chaotic method that has been suggested, but I also think that the motivation for both food places delivering to the same address needs to be explained. Perhaps there is a party going on or something?
